What if you were the answer to cancer?
Answer2Cancer is a both an in-personal AND online/virtual program featuring a broad range of customized oncology resources, support and education in a patient-centered format. The event delivers caring support, resources and education to help cancer patients, families, caregivers and survivors because it was planned BY cancer patients FOR cancer patients.
If you missed a recent in-person event, you can still access the presentations and live/interactive sessions, which you can watch from your home or anywhere! You'll be able to view and hear experts present info on all topics cancer: symptom management,
wellness and resilience strategies, immunotherapy, clinical trials, treatment pathways for your kind of cancer, survivorship and engagement tips and tools to help you. Join in with your family, friends and caregivers. Go to www.answer2cancer.com. Laugh, learn and interact with others who care about your cancer. Be your best advocate and maybe even your own #answer2cancer.
Answer2Cancer is an innovative and patient-centric and patient-facing initiative. Simply, it is an online/virtual patient education summit planned by cancer patients for cancer patients, families and caregivers. The advisory panel includes oncologists/hematologists, an oncologic nurse, managed care expert, patient advocate and physician liaisons. And, all clinical content is vetted through oncology specialists and advanced care providers here in Portland. For a quick explanation, click on this short video, https://answer2cancer.org/what-is-a2c.
If you were able to join us at our last online event - we hope you enjoyed it and got the help and resources you need. If not, you can still watch most of the content - go to www.answer2cancer.com.
The event and materials/handouts are now online at the link above, safely for cancer patients, their families, caregivers and the community. If you would like some of the materials mailed to you, contact us at info@answer2cancer.org.
We're planning an oncology education event to address the myriad questions that we patients have about all things cancer: treatments, research, immunotherapy, survivorship planning, finances, health plan coordination, intimacy, exercise, nutrition, etc. Join the online conversation - spouses, friends, family or caregiver, etc. are welcome, too!
Answer2Cancer is by and for patients who, while going through cancer treatments, realized they didn't know what they didn't know. So why not pass along the hard-earned wisdom?
Did you attend the Answer2Cancer online patient education event? If no, much of the content is still available at www.answer2cancer.com (yep, that's .com). Check it out!